Land seizure for fortifications: checking the facts about the new bill in Ukraine


Update: On the procedure for updating Bill 12130:

  • Draft Law on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Use of Land Plots Necessary for the Construction and Maintenance of Military Engineering and Fortification Structures Under the Legal Regime of Martial Law

can be monitored here.

On October 16, 2024, the CTVBY channel aired a report about the new Ukrainian draft law:

The Ukrainian government has approved a bill that will allow the expropriation of land from Ukrainians for the construction of military fortifications. The changes, in particular, introduce the possibility of encumbrance in the form of depriving the owner of the right to use land plots in private ownership. The document also provides for the establishment of special rules for temporary land expropriation, including the drafting of an act on forced temporary deprivation of land use rights. So far, the authorities have not fully determined how the new system will operate, but according to Cabinet representatives, the law has already been sent to the Verkhovna Rada for approval.

Our verdict based on the understanding of the complexity of the issue and conducted analyses:

Verdict: Lack of Context

Sufficient reason: The facts or figures are accurate but are improperly generalized or disseminated without the necessary context, leading to misunderstandings and false conclusions.

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We will conduct an analysis of disinformation narratives and semantic analysis.

Narrative Analysis
Risk Level: High
Threat to Citizens’ Rights

The draft law allowing the expropriation of citizens’ land is presented as a threat to property rights and personal freedom.

Appeal to Fear
Confidence: 85%
Uncertainty and Chaos

Mentioning that the authorities have not yet decided how the new system will work creates a sense of chaos and uncertainty.

Lack of Information
Panic Induction
Confidence: 75%
Legitimization of Authority Actions

The draft law is presented as a necessary step to ensure safety, potentially legitimizing the actions of the authorities.

Appeal to Necessity
Positive Connotation
Confidence: 70%
Overall Assessment

The video employs manipulative techniques to create a negative perception of the draft law, emphasizing threats to citizens’ rights and uncertainty in the authorities’ actions. This may provoke public discontent and panic.

Emotional Analysis
Main Topics

Land Expropriation
Military Fortifications
Ukrainian Legislation

Emotional Analysis
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