According to”The word “данным” translates to “data” or “given” in English, depending on the context. If you provide more context or a complete sentence, I can give a more accurate translation.Research on social networks and messengers in Belarus in November 2020 showed that Telegram (43%) was the second most popular messenger after Viber (74%) among the Belarusian internet audience. Additionally, this represented a 20% increase compared to August 2019.It seems like your request is incomplete. Could you please provide the text you would like me to translate?Telegram is often perceived as a source of rapid news dissemination in Belarus. From the perspective of information security, there are concerns about the potential for the quick spread of false information (fake news/disinformation), especially considering that 67% of the internet audience aged 15-24 and 50% aged 25-34 used Telegram.
Among the 100 most popular posts by view count in the ranking of publications in Telegram channels in Belarus for June 2021, there was only one post related to the topic of the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination:The post contained inaccurate information:
Using Telegram Analytics, let’s analyze the publication statistics:
The post contained inaccurate information:
Using Telegram Analytics, let’s analyze the publication statistics:
An even more important characteristic is the reposts and mentions:
Thus, it is good that out of the one hundred most popular publications in Belarus on Telegram for June 2021, only one was related to misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination. On the other hand, this indicates that constant monitoring of Telegram channels for disinformation targeting the Belarusian internet audience is necessary.
The publication was prepared by the Baltic Internet Policy Initiative.