Factcheck: Is Poland really saving on the army to save the budget?


On September 12, 2024, a video with the catchy title “Poland has no money for military needs!” appeared on the CTVBY YouTube channel.
The content of this video:

Poland’s immense budget has dried up, the country has run out of money for military needs, although Warsaw has never been stingy in this area. The Polish government has abandoned the idea of ​​​​receiving almost 500 Highmors installations, which the United States had previously agreed to purchase. Each of them costs about $ 5 million. They also need significant stocks of missiles, which will also entail additional costs. Poland regularly saves on people in order to maintain, among other things, the country’s large army. But now it has decided to save on security. Instead of American MLRS, they will buy South Korean ones. The United States has not yet commented on Warsaw’s decision. Perhaps a reaction will follow today. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has arrived in Poland.

Our verdict based on the analysis:

Verdict: Incorrect


  • The thesis or claim is completely false: information from several sources or the opinions of several experts in a particular field contradict it.
  • The cause-and-effect relationships and connections clearly do not exist, as claimed.
  • When quoting, essential parts are omitted, rearranged, changed, or incorrectly translated from a foreign language, resulting in a fundamental change in the meaning of what is said.
  • The event occurred in material respects differently than stated.

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Let’s perform an analysis disinformation narratives and semantic analysis

Narrative Analysis
Risk Level: Medium
economic instability

Poland is facing financial difficulties, which is affecting its military spending and security.

appeal to fear

selected facts

negative connotation

Confidence: 75%
comparative analysis

Comparison of military equipment purchases from the United States and South Korea highlights the change in Poland’s strategic approach.


emphasizing change

lack of information about the causes

Confidence: 70%
political manipulation

It is implied that Poland’s decision to abandon American guidelines may be due to political pressure or a change in relations with the United States.


creating an enemy image


Confidence: 65%
Overall assessment

The video raises important questions about Poland’s financial stability and military strategy, using manipulative techniques to create a negative image of the situation. The lack of comments from the audience may indicate low engagement or censorship.

Emotional Analysis
Main Topics

saving on security

Polish-American relations

financing the Polish army

purchase of military equipment

Emotional Analysis
Predominant tone:


Key emotions:



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