Content of Belarusian state media on Instagram in 2024


Instagram is the second most popular social network in Belarus, used for obtaining news and other information. According to a study of media consumption among the Belarusian internet audience both domestically and abroad, by the end of last year (2023), Instagram was the most used network among the female audience in the country.

Using the final days of access to Crowdtangle, we conducted a comparative analysis of Belarusian state-owned media accounts on Instagram, a set of Belarusian independent media, and Belarusian politicians.

It should be noted that due to repressive restrictions against Instagram accounts of Belarusian independent media and politicians, there has been a significant decline in interactions compared to previous years. Publications from Information Policy show that state media overtook independent media in FebruaryMarch 2023.

An important characteristic showing the decline in interaction with posts:

Belarusian politicians have a better ratio, but there is a monthly decline. The amount of content produced shows a clear advantage for Belarusian state media:

It is also evident that there is no usual seasonal decline typical of the summer months.

The final chart shows the number of followers:

Currently, Belarusian independent media have an advantage over state media.


The five most effective posts by Instagram accounts of state media in terms of interaction:

Two out of five posts are related to prize giveaways. Now the underperforming posts, which were the least effective in 2024:

Here, simple rules for posting on Instagram apply: it is not a place for advertisements or lengthy texts, as found on traditional websites.

A Venue for Propaganda

Most posts in these state-run Instagram accounts are local news, but there is also space for propaganda. For example, a couple of posts gathered a significant number of likes and comments.

Finally, using the limited capabilities of Crowdtangle, we uploaded a dataset of 400 values with the highest number of interactions. We then created an interactive dashboard, where one axis represents the number of followers and the other the number of interactions. The number of interactions is the sum of likes and comments.

This visualization allows us to analyze and understand which content from Instagram accounts of state media garners the most interactions.


  • The amount of blatant disinformation in state Instagram accounts is small.
  • There is propaganda, including covert militaristic propaganda, using various elements: references to symbols of victory in World War II, children dressed in Soviet military uniforms, construction of new military monuments, focus on military actions and parades.
  • Instagram accounts of state media serve as a means of delivering local, urban news to the Belarusian internet audience. A cultural problem is the promotion of state aesthetics.
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