Fact check: were drones launched during the flight of the Belarusian helicopter and to what extent does the US control Ukraine's actions?


On October 4, 2024, during a trip to the agrarian town of Parokhonsk in the Pinsk district of the Brest region, Alexander Lukashenko made the following statements during a public address:

Therefore, we should not repeat mistakes; we need to be prepared. Well, they are mobilizing their troops and so on. We respond. They are doing something there, but we respond. They say, “Yesterday I flew out of Minsk, and drones were launched at me; I received a call.” Naturally, it was the security service; the president’s security must be ensured. We respond. In other words, we do everything in response. We have never initiated any confrontation; we certainly do not need that. Who among you wants war? You probably have relatives somewhere, seeing it on television, hearing about it, and so on. What is war? It is a catastrophe. It is a catastrophe. I understand this perfectly as someone who has served in the army and undergone various training conditions. I do not want there to be war, and that is why we are doing everything to ensure it ends peacefully there. But there is already a confrontation; you can see that. NATO is fighting against Russia, including here at the border. There is tension. They have mined the entire border. So if someone has gone there for some reason—though more often they come to us, whether for berries or mushrooms—I do not advise it.

Do not worry; we do not intend to fight the Ukrainians, and they do not want to fight us. Listen, why would they want this burden? And why would we? Our people live there. Therefore, we will do everything to coexist peacefully with Ukraine if they want that. The people want it. But for now, the leadership of Ukraine is said to be controlled by the Americans. Well, you can see for yourself… They are in control. And if something is needed, Volodya Zelensky flies to Washington. He does not go to Minsk or Moscow to negotiate and ultimately end this war. He thinks that the Americans will restore Ukraine after the war, and they will be prosperous, strong, and wise. No one will restore them. The power will change. They will say, “Volodya, who are you? We do not know you.” He will already be like Trump. What does he say? A trader goes around asking for money, and they embezzle the funds. That’s what he says. And if he becomes president, is it likely that he will look after Ukraine and help? He has enough problems in America.

Our verdict based on the conducted analyses is:

Verdict: Incorrect


  • The thesis or statement is completely false: information from multiple sources or opinions from several experts in a specific field contradict it.
  • Causal relationships and connections clearly do not exist, as claimed.
  • When quoting, significant parts are omitted, rearranged, altered, or incorrectly translated from a foreign language, resulting in a fundamental change in the meaning of what was said.
  • The event occurred in significant aspects differently than stated.

Rating scale for evaluation

Full video:Let’s conduct an analysis of disinformation narratives and a semantic analysis.

Analysis of Narratives
Risk level: high
justification of military readiness

Lukashenko emphasizes the necessity of military readiness in light of threats from neighboring countries, citing historical examples and the current situation.

“Appeal to History”
the creation of an enemy image
emotional manipulation
Confidence: 85%
justification of government actions

The president claims that Belarus’s actions are a response to the aggressive actions of its neighbors, thereby justifying his policy.

“Shifting of responsibility”
the creation of a victim image
discrediting opponents
Confidence: 80%
anti-war narrative

Lukashenko expresses a reluctance for war, emphasizing its catastrophic consequences, which may serve to strengthen his position as a defender of peace.

“Appeal to fear”
the creation of contrast between war and peace
“Appeal to human emotions”
Confidence: 75%
threat of war

Lukashenko emphasizes the threat posed by NATO and the need to prepare for a possible conflict, creating an image of an external enemy.

“Appeal to fear”
the creation of an enemy image
Normalization of military training
Confidence: 85%
“Humanitarian narrative”

Lukashenko is trying to portray Belarus as a humanitarian savior by offering assistance to Ukrainian children and emphasizing the absence of enemies among children.

“Appeal to emotions”
“Creating contrast”
“Using personal experience”
Confidence: 75%
“Accusation in Politics”

Lukashenko accuses the Ukrainian side of politicizing humanitarian issues, which creates an image of Ukraine as a country that prioritizes politics over human lives.

“Shifting the blame”
the creation of a negative image of the opponent
Confidence: 70%
patriotic narrative

An expression of pride for the Belarusian people and their hard work, as well as an emphasis on unity and readiness to defend the country.

“Appeal to emotions”
historical references
Confidence: 85%
the threat of an external enemy

Emphasizing the necessity of readiness for war and demonstrating strength as a means of preventing aggression.

“Scary story”
the creation of an enemy image
call for unity
Confidence: 80%

discrediting of the opposition

The mention of attempts to create the Polesian Republic as madness serves to discredit opposition sentiments.

“”Reduction of significance””
“”Creating a negative image””
Confidence: 75%
Peaceful coexistence with Ukraine

Lukashenko emphasizes the necessity of peaceful coexistence with Ukraine, despite the current conflicts, and expresses hope for the restoration of relations.

“”Appeal to emotions””
the creation of an enemy image
historical analogies
Confidence: 75%
Critique of Western Influence

Lukashenko accuses Western countries, especially the United States, of controlling the Ukrainian government and of not helping Ukraine recover after the war.

demonization of the opponent
conspiracy theories
Confidence: 80%
Historical memory

The mention of the Volhynian massacre and other historical events is used to create a negative image of Ukrainians and to justify current actions.

“”Appeal to History””
“”Selective memory””
emotional manipulation
Confidence: 70%
“”Threat of external interference””

Lukashenko emphasizes the need to protect Belarusian sovereignty from external threats, particularly from Poland and Ukraine, creating an image of an enemy.

“”Appeal to fear””
the creation of an enemy image
Confidence: 85%
“”Economic stability as the foundation of peace.””

Lukashenko emphasizes the importance of the economy in preventing conflicts, which may serve as a justification for his policies.

logical argumentation
“”Appeal to Rationality””
Confidence: 75%
discrediting opponents

Lukashenko is trying to discredit his opponents by claiming that they manipulate public opinion and create tension.

“”Shifting the blame””
the creation of an enemy image
The term “”дискредитация”” translates to “”discrediting”” in English.
Confidence: 80%
“”Call for Unity””

A call for unity and calm within Belarusian society to avoid internal aggression and conflicts.

“”Appeal to Unity””
“”Positive rhetoric””
Confidence: 70%
“”Accusation of Ukraine of Aggression””

Lukashenko claims that Ukrainians are not concerned about the possibility of shooting down his helicopter, which highlights their aggressive behavior and lack of regard for safety.

“”Appeal to fear””
The term “”умалчивание”” can be translated to English as “”omission”” or “”concealment.”” It refers to the act of deliberately not mentioning or withholding information.
“”Shifting of responsibility””
Confidence: 75%
the lack of drone management

The statement that Ukraine has purchased many drones but does not know how to operate them, which undermines their military capabilities.

The translation of “”дискредитация”” to English is “”discrediting.””
the creation of an enemy image
Confidence: 70%
an attempt to establish relations with Ukraine

Lukashenko states that Belarus has always been open to communication with Ukraine, but points out the deterioration of relations from the Ukrainian leadership.

“”Appeal to virtue””
“”Creating contrast””
accusation of treason
Confidence: 65%
justification of the military position

Lukashenko claims that Belarus is on the front line and emphasizes the need to avoid getting involved in the conflict, while simultaneously demonstrating support for Russia.

“”Appeal to fear””
diminution of the opponent’s significance
the creation of an enemy image
Confidence: 85%
discrediting opponents

The mention of “”defectors”” and their attempts to introduce information creates a negative image of the opposition and highlights their unreliability.

the creation of the “”enemy within”” image
Confidence: 80%
“”Normalization of the conflict””

Lukashenko describes the current situation as a “”given,”” which may reduce the level of anxiety among the audience and legitimize the government’s actions.

normalization of violence
“”Appeal to stability””
Confidence: 75%
Overall assessment

Lukashenko’s speech contains manipulative elements aimed at justifying military readiness and government actions, as well as creating an image of an enemy. The use of historical examples and emotional arguments may heighten societal tension. His address includes manipulation aimed at portraying an external threat and justifying military actions, alongside attempts to present Belarus in a positive light through humanitarian initiatives. This could contribute to escalating tensions and misinformation. The speech features elements of patriotic rhetoric and threats from an external enemy, which may foster increased nationalist sentiments and discredit the opposition. The emotional tone and use of historical references create a strong manipulative effect.

Lukashenko’s speech contains manipulative elements designed to create an enemy image and justify current policies. The use of historical analogies and criticism of Western influence may exacerbate tensions in relations with Ukraine and shape a negative perception among the audience. His address includes manipulation aimed at creating an external enemy and strengthening internal unity, which could further divide society and intensify authoritarian tendencies. The segment employs manipulative techniques to discredit Ukraine and portray Belarus as a peace-loving entity. Rhetorical devices are used to enhance the emotional impact on the audience. Lukashenko’s speech contains manipulative elements aimed at bolstering support among the populace and legitimizing government actions in the context of conflict. Rhetorical techniques are employed to create an enemy image and normalize military actions.

Emotional analysis
Main themes
“”Countermeasures to threats””
“”Economy as the Foundation of Stability””
The influence of the United States on Ukraine.
historical parallels
Military confrontation
the threat of drones
Historical relations between Belarus and Ukraine
Preparation for a Possible War
support for Ukraine
military readiness
“”Relations with Russia””
military situation
Humanitarian initiatives
“”Information war””
identity and culture of Belarusians
“”peaceful coexistence””
military technologies
“”the security of the country””
The situation at the border.
“”Unmanned aerial vehicles”” or “”drones””
reconstruction of Ukraine
Historical events and their influence on the present.
The political situation in Belarus.
Ukrainian-Belarusian relations
Emotional analysis
Dominant tone:
It seems like you’ve entered “”0.”” Could you please provide the text you would like me to translate?

The number is -0.028571428571428557.

Key emotions:

The word “”решимость”” translates to “”determination”” in English.

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