Last Updated: September 1, 2024
Why this matters:
We’re committed to truth and accuracy, and sometimes that means speaking up on important issues. This policy explains how we can advocate for our mission while staying strictly nonpartisan.
Who this affects:
Everyone who speaks for our organization – staff, board members, contractors, and representatives – needs to understand these guidelines.
Our core principles
- We never support or oppose political parties or candidates
- When we advocate, it’s always tied to our fact-checking mission
- We’re clear about what’s our position versus personal opinions
- We engage in public debate honestly and respectfully
How we speak up official messages
- Our statements focus on facts and our mission
- We avoid taking political sides while defending truth
Speaking in public
- If you share personal political views, make it clear they’re your own
- Keep your personal opinions separate from our organization’s work
Working with politicians and policymakers
- We can recommend policies that support fact-checking
- But we never endorse political candidates or parties
Using our resources
- Our platforms, events, and funds are for fact-checking work only
- Never for supporting political campaigns or parties
When lines get crossed
- Breaking these rules will trigger an internal review
- An compliance team handles complaints about partisan behavior
- There may be consequences for serious violations
Staying current:
We review this policy yearly to make sure it works in today’s environment.
Remember: We can be strong advocates for truth and accuracy without taking political sides. It’s not always an easy balance, but it’s essential for our credibility and effectiveness.